Friday, January 27, 2012

How can I improve my basketball shot?

I made the junior boys basketball team at my highschool and Im trying to improve my form. Im not the best shooter on the team (as far as my form goes its almost the worst) but im pretty good for the closer range shots. Im hoping to look for some answers to how I can improve my shot with some proper mechanics. Thanks alot!How can I improve my basketball shot?
Check this out
watch some basketball games and watch how the pros do itHow can I improve my basketball shot?
i think if you just practice throwing it straight up in the air, itll improve your wrist control...and besides that, just keep shooting.
If you have the time and if you have a basketball hoop go home and practice long shots, I did that and I can just shoot and make it without even trying. SamO.How can I improve my basketball shot?
I agree with all three answers that you should: look at other players' form, practice laying on the ground and shooting the ball straight up while putting backspin on the ball, and practice shooting from all distances. another suggestion is to search for a book (maybe at the library or something on the internet) to get some tips on form. my quick tips would be 1.get your feet set the same way every time, 2.keep your shooting-arm's elbow beneath the ball (not out to the side), and 3.follow through by pointing your fingers (as if they were going through the basket) after you release the ball. My last advice is not to get discouraged, because even Jordan didn't hit more than about half his jump shots, so you can't expect yourself to hit every single shot either.

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