Monday, January 30, 2012

Does working out after playing about 1 hour of basketball have any benefits?

I know that you burn fat and build muscle at the same time, but I was wondering if any basketball players, or anyone in general knows if you get anything from working out right after playing some full court basketball. Im trying to get bigger, while improving my game at the same time.Does working out after playing about 1 hour of basketball have any benefits?
"I know that you burn fat and build muscle at the same time"

This is not true.

You would get real benefits out of working out BEFORE playing basketball though.Does working out after playing about 1 hour of basketball have any benefits?
You should do weight lifting before cardio. I can tell you that. After 1 hour of cardio you need to rest and let your body heal. Do not over do it. I would lift weights before basketball and then play basketball. Make sure and alternate weights out everyday so you give your muscles time to heal ( you may already know that). When you go to bed at night do not eat starchs at bedtime but rather lean protein. :)Does working out after playing about 1 hour of basketball have any benefits?
Most athletes do their workouts in the mornings. This allows for some recovery of muscle tissues. To work out after playing for an hour would subject you to injury very easily.

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